What it is
Adjustments to the grade-appropriate curriculum expectations to better fit a student’s specific educational needs. Modifications are documented on the IEP and in elementary schools for language and math often utilize curriculum of a different grade level. In other subjects and at secondary schools, modifications usually involved changing the number and/or complexity of the regular curriculum. A student receiving a modified program may also receive accommodations.
• Review previous report cards to obtain information on level of achievement.
• Assess student to determine current level of achievement.
• Utilize non-teacher professional reports and suggestions.
• Develop modifications using the Ontario curriculum for the subject area.
• With a team of teachers, educational workers, parents/guardians and the student, develop an Annual Goal.
• Develop the specific learning expectations per term, and consider using the SMART goal-setting framework. SMART is an acronym often used in the development of modified and alternative learning expectations to ensure they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable and Time limited.
• Determine the specific teaching strategies, which vary from those used with the rest of the class, for each learning expectation, considering the student’s strengths and needs.
• Determine the assessment strategies for each learning expectation.
• Limit the learning expectations to a few specific goals that will be targeted.
• The learning expectations do not indicate the students entire program, but instead the focus for the term.
• Develop and implement a timetable of when instruction will occur.
• Develop a chart with the learning expectations to track progress.
• Communicate regularly with parents/guardians.
• Goals are typically formally assessed at reporting periods and new goals are set, but learning expectation goals can be adjusted up or down as needed throughout the term.
See Strategy pages for specific areas of student need.
Explanation with examples. |