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A group of at least three, including a principal or supervisory officer from a board of education, hat evaluates and decides if a student meets the criteria of being an exceptional pupil based on the Education Act and each school board’s identification criteria. If a student has been identified as exceptional the IPRCD group then determines the best educational placement to meet the student’s needs. The identification and placement are reassessed every year.
A group of educators (teachers, special education teachers, administrators, guidance teachers, student success teachers and/or educational assistants) that meet to review data and develop next steps for student achievement.
Including all students in the regular class so that each student attains to their fullest. Inclusive education’s foundation is based on the human right to quality education and social acceptance.

A written plan for learning, developed for students with special needs, who may or may not be formally identified as exceptional. The IEP outlines special education programming with accommodations and/or modifications of curriculum. The plan may also include alternative programming and transition plans. An IEP is considered a “working document”, as it is revised and changed throughout the year in response to the student’s progress and needs.

An area of student need, involving advanced cognitive ability for the student’s age/grade level.

An area of student need that involves low levels of cognition. Reduced intellectual ability reduces the understanding and functioning of a student compared to age/grade peers.

A formal exceptionality, identified by an Identification Placement and Review Committee (IPRC), in the category of Intellect, based on a psychological diagnosis characterized by below-average intelligence.

Intelligence quotient is a score obtained from the standardized intelligence tests. Frequently the standardized Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, fourth edition (WISC-iv) or the Stanford Binet Intelligence scale is used. IQ tests often examine mathematical and spatial reasoning, language skills and logical abilities. IQ tests are conducted by a registered psychologist.
A program of instruction for younger children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). IBI is based Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) to teach children and involves twenty to forty hours per week of intervention by a trained therapist to address skills deficits to develop more positive behaviour.
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